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Thursday, February 24, 2011

P90X/Insanity HYBRID Starting March 7th!

Now that I'm almost done with the completion of  my first round of Insanity, I'm ready to start a hybrid of Insanity and P90X.  I miss my strength training!

Overall, I've seen improvement in my core through Insanity, but I've lost some upper body toning.  Insanity has my legs as strong as ever.

I firmly believe that a hybrid of the two may very well be the most perfect workout program.  Insanity is light on strength, but has awesome interval training.  Likewise, P90X is light on the cardio in my opinion.  It has plenty of strength training!

With that said, my husband and I are starting a hybrid of P90X and Insanity on March 7th.

Here is the schedule we'll use:

Phase I
Weeks 1-3
1. P90X Chest & Back/Cardio Abs
2. Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit
3. P90X Shoulders & Arms/Cardio Abs
4. Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance*
5. P90X Legs & Back/Ab Ripper X
6. Insanity Pure Cardio
7. P90X Xstretch or rest

Week 4
1. Insanity Core Cardio & Balance
2. P90X Core Synergistics
3. Insanity Core Cardio & Balance
4. P90X Xstretch
5. Insanity Core Cardio & Balance
6. P90X Core Synergistics
7. P90X Xstretch or rest

Phase II
Weeks 5-7
1.P90X Chest, Shoulders & Triceps/Cardio Abs
2.Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit
3.P90X Back & Biceps/Cardio Abs
4.Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance*
5.P90X Legs & Back/Ab Ripper X
6.Insanity Pure Cardio
7.P90X Xstretch or rest

Week 8
Same as week 4

Phase III
Weeks 9 & 11
1. P90X Chest & Back/Cardio Abs
2. Insanity Max Interval Plyo
3. P90X Shoulders & Arms/Cardio Abs
4. Insanity Max Interval Circuit*
5. P90X Legs & Back/Ab Ripper X
6. Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning
7. P90X Xstretch or rest

Weeks 10 & 12
1.P90X Chest, Shoulders & Triceps/Cardio Abs
2.Insanity Max Interval Plyo
3.P90X Back & Biceps/Cardio Abs
4.Insanity Max Interval Circuit*
5.P90X Legs & Back/Ab Ripper X
6.Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning
7.P90X Xstretch or rest

Week 13
Same as week 4

*Can substitute with Insanity Core Cardio & Balance or Cardio/Max Recovery workout if needed.

1 comment:

  1. This looks great Andi! I am going to do this when I am finished with insanity. ~Andi A
