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Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse Package

About the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse

Several of my clients have experienced the benefits of the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse.  If you are considering a cleanse, read on to learn why the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse is the best choice and click the link below to order.

Benefits of the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse:
ü  Jump start weight loss
ü  Possible weight loss (a lot of my clients lose weight on the cleanse)
ü  Reduce bloating
ü  Increase energy after cleanse
ü  Reduce cravings
ü  Rid the body of harmful toxins
ü  Boost metabolism
ü  Get more regular

Why the Shakeology Cleanse?
ü  It is not calorie deficient at 800 – 1,200 calories
ü  It includes high quality whey protein, so you won’t lose muscle mass like other cleanses
ü  It is nutrient dense due to the 70 ingredients found in Shakeology
ü  It allows you to continue your fitness regime

What’s included:
ü  Complete instructions on how to complete the cleanse and what to eat, including FAQs and a shopping list
ü  9 servings of Shakeology in choice of: Chocolate, Greenberry, or Combination
ü  Green tea
ü  Shakeology Informational DVD and brochure
ü  Shakeology recipe cards and calendar: use these to mix up Shakeology on a daily basis and continue your new healthy lifestyle after the cleanse
ü  Email and phone support

Yes!  I want to get healthy by doing the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse for $49.95.  Please send me my order.

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